General Meeting


Date Information


Extraordinary General Meeting

Notice of EGM to be held on 26 September 2018 (RB 28/2018)


2018-09-27 EGM Notice
2018-09-27 EGM Drafts of resolutions of FF

2018-09-27 Information about the total number of shares in Fast Finance S.A.

2018-09-27 EGM Proxy voting form

2018-09-27 EGM Form of proxy

 Texts of resolutions passed by the EGM (RB 34/2018)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the EGM (RB 38/2018)


Extraordinary General Meetingg

Notice of EGM to be held on 27 August 2018 (RB-23/2018)


2018-08-27 EGM Notice
2018-08-27 EGM Drafts of resolutions of FF

2018-08-27 Information about the total number of shares in Fast Finance S.A

2018-08-27 EGM Proxy voting form

2018-08-27 EGM Form of proxy

Texts of resolutions passed by the EGM (RB 24/2018)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the EGM (RB 26/2018)



Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 26 June 2018 (RB 6/2018)


2018-06-26 AGM Notice
2018-06-26 AGM Drafts of resolutions of FF

2018-06-26 Information about the total number of shares in Fast Finance S.A.

2018-06-26 AGM Proxy voting form

2018-06-26 AGM Form of proxy

 Annual Report 2017 (R 2017)

  Supervisory Board report 2017

 Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB 7/2018)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the AGM (RB 9/2018)



Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 29 June 2017 (RB-18/2017)


2017-06-29 AGM Notice
2017-06-29 AGM Drafts of resolutions of FF

2017-06-29 Information about the total number of shares in Fast Finance S.A

2017-06-29 AGM Proxy voting form

2016-06-29 AGM Form of proxy

 Annual Report 2016 (R 2016)

  Supervisory Board report 2016

 Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB 20/2017)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the AGM (RB 22/2017)


Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 30 June 2016 (RB 13/2016)

2016-06-30 AGM Notice
2016-06-30 AGM Drafts of resolutions of FF
2016-06-30 Information about the total number of shares in Fast Finance S.A.
2016-06-30 AGM Proxy voting form
2016-06-30 AGM Form of proxy
Annual Report 2015 (R 2015)
Supervisory Board report 2015

Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB 18/2016)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the AGM (RB 20/2016)


Extraordinary General Meeting

Notice of EGM on 5 August 2015 (RB-W 21/2015)


2015-08-05 AGM Notice
2015-08-05 FF EGM Drafts of resolutions

2015-08-05 FF EGM Information about the total number of shares in Fast Finance SA

2015-08-05 FF EGM Proxy voting form

2015-08-05 FF EGM Form of proxy

Texts of resolutions passed by the EGM (RB-W 26/2015)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the EGM (RB 27/2015)


Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 25 June 2015 (RB-W 13/2015)

2015-06-25 AGM Notice
2015-06-25 AGM Drafts of resolutions of FF
2015-06-25 Information about the total number of shares in Fast Finance S.A.
2015-06-25 AGM Proxy voting form
2015-06-25 AGM Form of proxy
Annual Report 2014 (R 2014)
Supervisory Board report 2014

Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB 16/2015)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the AGM (RB 18/2015)


Extraordinary General Meeting

Notice of EGM to be held on 12 Nov. 2014 (RB-W 22/2014 K)
Notice of EGM to be held on 12 Nov. 2014 (RB-W 22/2014)


2014-11-12 FF EGM- Notice
2014-11-12 FF EGM - Drafts of resolutions
2014-11-12 FF EGM - Information about the total number of shares in Fast Finance SA
2014-11-12 FF EGM - Proxy voting form
2014-11-12 FF EGM - Proxy form

Texts of resolutions passed by the EGM (RB-W 23/2014)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the EGM (RB 24/2014)


Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 9 June 2014 (RB-W 12/2014)


2014-05-14 FF AGM - NoticeFF
2014-05-14 FF AGM- Drafts of resolutions
2014-05-14 FF AGM - Information about the total number of shares

2014-05-14 FF AGM - Proxy voting form
Annual Report 2013 (R 2013)
Supervisory Board Report 2013

Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB-W 14/2014)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the AGM (RB 15/2014)


Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 18 June 2013 (RB-W 14/2013)
 Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB-W 15/2013)
 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the AGM (RB 16/2013)


 Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 20 June 2012 (RB-W 7/2012)
Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB 9/2012)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the AGM (RB 10/2011)


Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 30 June 2011 (RB-W 10/2011)
Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB 12/2011)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the AGM (RB 13/2011)


Extraordinary General Meeting

Notice of EGM to be held on 27 Oct. 2010 (RB 15/2010)
Texts of resolutions passed by the EGM (RB 17/2010)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the EGM (RB 18/2010)


Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 31 May 2010 (RB 6/2010)
Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB 8/2010)
List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the AGM (RB 9/2010)


Annual General Meeting

Notice of AGM to be held on 27 May 2010 (EBI 5/2009)
Texts of resolutions passed by the AGM (RB 8/2009)



FAST FINANCE wykupi część obligacji serii M


FAST FINANCE S.A. przeprowadzi wykup kolejnej części obligacji serii M w ramach okresowej amortyzacji. Środki pieniężne wymagane z tego tytułu Spółka przekazała już do Krajowego Depozytu Papierów Wartościowych.

Wyniki finansowe FAST FINANCE w I kwartale 2018 roku


W I kwartale 2018 roku Grupa Kapitałowa FAST FINANCE S.A., osiągnęła skonsolidowane przychody w wysokości 7,2 mln zł i 1,3 mln zł zysku netto.

FAST FINANCE redukuje zadłużenie – podsumowanie wyników za 2017 rok


FAST FINANCE, jedna z czołowych firm windykacyjnych w Polsce, specjalizująca się w zarządzaniu portfelami wierzytelności masowych, wypracowała w 2017 roku skonsolidowane przychody w wysokości 27,6 mln zł i zysk netto w wysokości 7,4 mln zł. Spółka obniżyła też znacząco, o 21,7%, wskaźnik zadłużenia finansowego i zdywersyfikowała źródła finansowania.

Podsumowanie 2017: Dobry rok dla FAST FINANCE


FAST FINANCE podsumowuje rok – redukcja zadłużenia i nowy model finansowania. W 2017 roku spółka FAST FINANCE zredukowała zadłużenie z tytułu emisji obligacji, zdywersyfikowała źródła finansowania – wdrażając finansowanie zakupów portfeli wierzytelności poprzez sprzedaż certyfikatów FAST FINANCE NSFIZ – oraz podniosła efektywność kosztową kluczowych procesów. Tym samym przygotowano warunki dla stabilnego rozwoju w 2018 roku.
